Civilians Africa.
Thursday, 17 September 2015
Wednesday, 9 September 2015
Evolutionary History
Evolutionary History.
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In attempting to put this Blog, and in a said context, and that does speak of it all easily understood by all, is to now ask, and of what it does mean, to in all even, associate speak of Evolution in itself, and with speak of Tone in itself too. That this Blog, does in all even actually speak only, and of Tone, and in now associating it all too, and with speak and of the said reason, and of why, Male Birds, do have to them, brighter Colours, and in said comparison too, and to speak too of Female Birds that is.
Monday, 17 August 2015
This entry, does have to do, and with the very manner in all, those in Kenya, do in all even perceive Knowledge Gathering, and as said too, to speak of a said Organizational Body that is. That Knowledge Gathering, might be associated, and with speak of the defining of Human Needs, Wants or Desires too, and if not of the Human, and in Urge, Drive or Appetite too, but that in speak of Kenya, speak of Knowledge Gathering, and as said now to refer, and to speak of Food, Shelter and Clothing that is [and as said too, the 3 basic Human Needs in all].
This entry though, does too, attempt to claim that, Knowledge Gathering, and as said to speak of the Evolutionary in all, does in all even have to do, and with our said definitions, of Selfishness, Pride and if not of Arrogance too. That it is the three, and that do hamper or limit in all, ones said abilities, and in Knowledge Gathering, and with it all even said to speak, and of one and as said rising, and from the said levels of the Physical senses, and to those that do speak too of Epigeneticism, and in speak now, and of the said Mirroring/Shadowing, and of the said too 'Rhythms of life' that is.
Saturday, 15 August 2015
the Lake
the Lake Victoria.
How do those in Kenya, or Africa, perceive, or define, Regulation? For it is Regulation, and not Law either, and that is perceived said too, rather problematic in all, and in its defining, and in Kenya, or Africa too that is. In all, Regulation, said too, best perceived, and from Identity created, and as said to and to speak of the Subjective, and if not of the Objective too that is, and as furtherly said too, referring, and to the very manner in all, we do perceive ourselves, and as said even to speak of the Physical Setting that is [and in said speak here too, and of the Classroom Setting that is]. Hopefully, this is understood, and in now saying that, there are those who do view their physical selves, and as said too Head and Torso, while others do simply think of the Body in itself, and with a third too, said to think of it all, and as said a Mind, Human that is. That what is been said here is that, it is acknowledged by many, that many in Kenya, are said not to have a proper or perfect Picture, or Image too, and of their said Physical selves, and other than correlate it all, and to a said even Visual culture, African too, and that does in all even simply speak and of one, and as said too identifying, and with African Physical Imagery that is.
In all, what too is been said here, is that, Kenyan Identity, and as said too Social, is still very much said lacking that is, and in now too saying that, it is not believed, that Kenyans to this day, are in all said aware, and of what, Psycho-Somasis, and Socialization, are too said to be. That unknown to most out there, in Africa, Identity is said created or formed, and as first said Psycho-Somatic, and then said too, and to speak of Socialization that is. That in the rest of the World, we do now have Socialization, and as said primary in all, and with Psycho-Somasis, and as said too Identity, simply said added on that is.
In all, what is been said here is that, the Kenyan understanding in all, and of Psycho-Somasis, is simply said to speak of Misery, Sorrow and Sadness too, and as said truly defining one in all, and at the said even, Community, Communal level too that is.
Sunday, 12 July 2015
Abstract Art
Abstract Art.
This entry, now does too, refer, and to other said posts on this Blog, and as said too having to do with Art: that of Antlers (Link), the Requiem (Link), and that on Religious Themes (Link) too. That it all, now does ground speak of life in itself, and with speak too of Dream, the Requiem (Mass), and if not in speak too of Theme that is.
That what is been said here is that, Africa, and in what does pass for an African Identity too, does have to it, many a said problem, and that can in the very least too be perceived, and from speak of the Behavioural that is. That what is been said here too is that, it too can be said that, that life outside Africa in all, is simply lived, or said defined too (organized), and in speak of Character that is. That once a person in all, or individual too, is simply said formed in Character, they are in all even now ready to live out life, and in manner in all, and that does speak too of Dignity in itself, and if not in speak too now of Destiny that is.
In all, what is been said here is that, survival in Africa in itself, is believed said grounded in all, or centered too, and in speak and of finding something it can be said, and that would in all even intrinsically define one, and in speak now and of Character too, and as said truly defined, and in speak of the Behavioural in itself that is. That in all, many a said endeavour, and in simply instilling Discipline in one it can be said, or providing even a said encompassing Education and to one, does not in all, still and in the very, get to the very heart of the matter that is, and which does say, African Identity, or survival in Africa, is simply said grounded in all, and in the Behavioural, and such that, everything around one, is simply said Perceived too, and from speak too of the Behavioural in itself, and as versus speak now and of Conscience or Intellect too that is.
In all, the said even role, and of Abstract Art, and in African lives, and as versus, speak now of 'Dream', the Requiem, or Theme too, and in now truly defining one, and in speak of the Behavioural truly, and as with it all even said to truly refer, and to what does truly pass for Perception in itself, and in regards, and to speak and of what too does pass for Stability in itself, and if not Acknowledgement too, and in Africa too that is.
Sunday, 5 April 2015
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
Sunday, 8 March 2015
African Lakes
African Lakes.
There are those in Kenya/Africa in all, and who might in all ponder, what does make for Culture, and of the Cultural, and in Africa too that is. That in many another part of the World, Culture in all, does speak too of Ancestral Traditions and in saying it all and in the very least, while of the Cultural, speak now of the very manner in all we do in all perceive, Arrangements, Formations and speak too of Alignments in all, and in our very lives too that is.
While the above in all, can be said to speak too of Africa, one does in many a way though, discover in all that, Culture in Africa, does speak truly and of what one does know, while the Cultural, does speak truly, and of what one does know of. In saying that the former, does speak too of the word Posit, while the latter, does speak too of the word Position, is to now and in all even associate Africa in all again, and in Belief too, and with a referential, and that does in all even speak of African Lakes that is [and if not speak too of the recommended eating of Fish here too that is].
Friday, 20 February 2015
Opus Dei
of Opus Dei.
The importance or significance in all, and of Opus Dei to Kenya, a Religious Organization, and that does have its foundations and in speak of Sophistry too that is, now does claim to it, a piece of Kenyan History in all, and in further speak here too and of the Kenian/Kenyan Manifesto in all, and in speak of Education in itself too that is. However, the true or real reason and for promoting Opus Dei and on this very Blog, does in all even speak of Government in Kenya, its said failure as such, and in speak too of the said Democratic process, and as remaining undefined, and in speak of a lack of proper Forums to it all, and as referring and to the Constitutional too, and in saying that, many an effort of Government in Kenya, may produce result, but in all again, is not believed to bear any fruit that is. That Opus Dei, and as said Organization and in speak of Government too, now does offer to some and if not many, an opportunity, and in self-realization too perhaps, and in speak now, and of Success defined, and in speak of Fruits gained/borne in all, and not in speak of Results in themselves that is.
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
Thursday, 5 February 2015
If Nigeria in all, can be said defined and in speak of Citizenship, and in further speak of country too, and in speak now and of aspirations and towards speak of recognition, and of the World Citizen (and of the Nobel Laureate too, and the of World Stage too perhaps), and with South Africa on the otherhand, simply aspiring and to Global Citizenship, Egypt on the otherhand, is simply said home and to Citizenry in itself, but in speak of Kenya in all, it said now, home to the Civilian [and in speak too of World Affairs for instance].
Sunday, 1 February 2015
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The very word/term Consciousness here, can be best said, associated, and with speak too of Tracts that is [or speak too, and of the very manner/way in all, a River, and in stream, does come to be for instance]. Consciousness, and as perceived as such, does speak too, and of the very phrase in all, and of 'Early Africa' that is. In many a way, it does now too come and to speak, and of a full realization perhaps, and of the very manner/way, a River in all, did in all come to be that is.
In regards though, and to this Blog and entry, 'Tracts of Consciousness' here in all, and as probably asking us in all again, whom/who in all we are, and in speak of History too, and in regard and to speak of Controversy or Scandal too for instance. That the very formation of a River, should not be taken as very much said a mechanical process, but one in all best said perhaps, statistical truly that is.
In helping one though, understand all this, the very question here, and in speak of 'Tracts of Consciousness' too, and that does in all speak of simply how in all, one does very much define, Appeasement in itself that is [that Appeasement, now does in all even speak and of the very reason why Kenya in all, is said backward, and in Development too, and in speak too now, and of knowing oneself as such, in Appeasement, Historical too, and in speak too and of the very people one would wish to communicate with in detail, at home or at a bar, but the point we are attempting to make here is that, that speak in all even, and of the most detailed of plans, does speak of one and as very well coming to terms with failure that is].
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
Golden Bells
Golden Bells.
Those living in Kenya, might in all find it difficult, living in the place in all, and in speak of the very best of ways/manners, and in envisioning the place in all that is. That this in all, does speak of future prospects for instance, or speak even and of the best of routines, or further speak too, and of the defining of Kenyan Sentiments that is.
In all, when one does think Kenya and as it is, and in speak of those who do in all concentrate, and on defining Kenya, and in Success, and in speak of Economic Bills, Law Bills, or Constitutional talk too in all, another of the better ways/manners, and of approaching Development in Kenya, does speak even and of State Policy, and as with it all even leading and to speak of a State Doctrine/Religion that is.
Sunday, 18 January 2015
This entry, does in all have to do, and with something most out there, are simply said skeptical about: it being Hypnosis that is. That Hypnosis is simply said many a thing, but most though, do in all even simply approach it all, and from a Medical or Scientific definition that is, and which does in all say :
Hypnosis is a state of consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness characterized by an enhanced capacity for response to suggestion
There is a differing definition though, and of Hypnosis, and which is in all even said Institutional in make-up, and that does in all even refer, and to what one is believed in all again, capable of or said, and of succumbing too in many a way that is [and speak of Hypnosis too in all, and as often portrayed and on many a Television Show too for instance].
This entry though, will speak on Hypnosis, and from more or less an Artistic approach/definition, and that does in all even simply speak of the Human, and as said possessing Six Physical Senses in the very least (and in speak here and of the Sixth Sense too that is), and that does in all even speak and of which said Sense, Human, and by which one is in all said grounded to Reality by, and if not life in itself that is. That this in all, now does in all even speak of one and as said readily identifying, and Physically too, and with ones Bodily Mechanisms, but in speak now too, and of one in all, simply said accessing ones environs for instance, and by having one grounded in all again, and in speak of any said Human Physical Sense that is.
In all, what is been hinted at here, is that, life in Kenya/Africa today, cannot be said enjoyable to most, and if said grounded in all and in speak of the Senses of Eyesight, Hearing, or even Touch dismally so, and such that, African life today can be said difficult for most, and in speak now and of the grounding in all and of ones realities, and in speak now of the so termed Sixth Sense in itself, and if not speak of Intuition too, and such that, most in Africa today are simply said unaware and of simply how best to go about enjoying life in itself that is [and in speak here too, and of the receiving of Appreciation, and as said to speak of Success in itself that is].
In all, what is been hinted at here is that, Hypnosis, does in all even it is believed, speak of the very manner ir way, Africans in all do envision Success in itself, and as with it all even associated with speak of Survival too (and in speak here too of Spirit Possession for instance), and such that, what is been said here in all is that, life outside Africa, is often modeled in all, and in speak of the very manner or way one does perceive strife, pain or suffering in their lives, and as now said to speak of Excellence in itself, and as versus the belief held here that, Appreciation, is what does enable one to survive in Africa today, and in speak of the defining of Success that is.
Wednesday, 14 January 2015
Readings, and with they in all said to truly speak of Tradition, and as said Ancestral too, and in Kenya/Africa that is [for the Reading in many a way, is often said acquainted in all, and with speak of the Missal too that is][and in further speak here and of a life lived, and not in speak of Myth truly that is, but in speak and of the attempt to truly understand or explain, and as with it all even said Guidance too that is, our life experiences in all].
Sunday, 11 January 2015
(Early Africa)
Antlers, and in speak too of a dead Wildebeest, Gazelle, Antelope or speak even and of Goats too, and as now said in all and to speak of Kenya and Tanzania and as one, and in speak too in all, and of Institution / Private Clubs, Kenya/Tanzania, and as said to speak of Guilds, Unions or speak truly even and of Lodges too that is.
Saturday, 10 January 2015
When one does in all speak of Modernity, one is in many a way, attempting to speak and on what does stand for Existence in itself, and as versus speak of Reality too that is. That the very problems, the Modern/Western World is said to face, and in speak too of Emotional Health in all, does in all even speak and of the failure in all again, and of defining appropriate in the very least, Existences, and for all, and as versus speak of Realities truly that is. That Existences and as said to refer and to speak of the Modern/Western World in all, does in all even speak of their being said alternate in all, and in speak too of Technology, Weekend/Weekday Routines, Finance, Recreational activity, Modern Rituals (Link) etc., and which do in all even speak of their said differing, and from those said Ancestral/Familial too that is.
In all, in speaking of Africa, and if not Kenya too, speak now and of alternate Existences, and away from those that do speak of Modernity, referring in all, and to speak too and of Spirit Possession it is believed here that is [and with Realities in all again, said to speak of (Physical) Settings that is].
Monday, 5 January 2015
The Requiem
The Requiem.
This entry, very much has to do, and with the proposing in all, and of a World Religion, and as said truly based on speak of the Requiem that is [or speak too, and of the said 'Mass for the Dead' that is]. That World Religion here, and as said to speak of the Human Drama too, is now said in all, and to consist of World Mythology / Art, Bible Studies (and not Biblical Studies), and finally, speak too of World History/Drama that is.
Saturday, 3 January 2015
The Unconscious
The Unconscious.
Freud and the Greek-Egyptian Memory in all, and as with it all even said more or less truly African, and not truly European or Italian either.
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