Sunday 1 February 2015



The very word/term Consciousness here, can be best said, associated, and with speak too of Tracts that is [or speak too, and of the very manner/way in all, a River, and in stream, does come to be for instance]. Consciousness, and as perceived as such, does speak too, and of the very phrase in all, and of 'Early Africa' that is. In many a way, it does now too come and to speak, and of a full realization perhaps, and of the very manner/way, a River in all, did in all come to be that is.

In regards though, and to this Blog and entry, 'Tracts of Consciousness' here in all, and as probably asking us in all again, whom/who in all we are, and in speak of History too, and in regard and to speak of Controversy or Scandal too for instance. That the very formation of a River, should not be taken as very much said a mechanical process, but one in all best said perhaps, statistical truly that is.

In helping one though, understand all this, the very question here, and in speak of 'Tracts of Consciousness' too, and that does in all speak of simply how in all, one does very much define, Appeasement in itself that is [that Appeasement, now does in all even speak and of the very reason why Kenya in all, is said backward, and in Development too, and in speak too now, and of knowing oneself as such, in Appeasement, Historical too, and in speak too and of the very people one would wish to communicate with in detail, at home or at a bar, but the point we are attempting to make here is that, that speak in all even, and of the most detailed of plans, does speak of one and as very well coming to terms with failure that is].