Sunday 8 March 2015

African Lakes

African Lakes.

There are those in Kenya/Africa in all, and who might in all ponder, what does make for Culture, and of the Cultural, and in Africa too that is. That in many another part of the World, Culture in all, does speak too of Ancestral Traditions and in saying it all and in the very least, while of the Cultural, speak now of the very manner in all we do in all perceive, Arrangements, Formations and speak too of Alignments in all, and in our very lives too that is.

While the above in all, can be said to speak too of Africa, one does in many a way though, discover in all that, Culture in Africa, does speak truly and of what one does know, while the Cultural, does speak truly, and of what one does know of. In saying that the former, does speak too of the word Posit, while the latter, does speak too of the word Position, is to now and in all even associate Africa in all again, and in Belief too, and with a referential, and that does in all even speak of African Lakes that is [and if not speak too of the recommended eating of Fish here too that is].