Monday 17 August 2015



This entry, does have to do, and with the very manner in all, those in Kenya, do in all even perceive Knowledge Gathering, and as said too, to speak of a said Organizational Body that is. That Knowledge Gathering, might be associated, and with speak of the defining of Human Needs, Wants or Desires too, and if not of the Human, and in Urge, Drive or Appetite too, but that in speak of Kenya, speak of Knowledge Gathering, and as said now to refer, and to speak of Food, Shelter and Clothing that is [and as said too, the 3 basic Human Needs in all].

This entry though, does too, attempt to claim that, Knowledge Gathering, and as said to speak of the Evolutionary in all, does in all even have to do, and with our said definitions, of Selfishness, Pride and if not of Arrogance too. That it is the three, and that do hamper or limit in all, ones said abilities, and in Knowledge Gathering, and with it all even said to speak, and of one and as said rising, and from the said levels of the Physical senses, and to those that do speak too of Epigeneticism, and in speak now, and of the said Mirroring/Shadowing, and of the said too 'Rhythms of life' that is.