Sunday 28 December 2014



What in all, can Society be said to be truly all about? It in all even, does differ from society, and as said in all even and to speak of the Time-Keeper, for Society in all, now does refer, and to speak even of the Gate-Keeper that is.

In having said the above, is to now in all even, introduce many a person in Kenya/Africa, and to why in all, they might very well be interested, and in Society in itself, and as versus speak of Partnerships, or speak too of the Unlimited (and in Access) that is.

For many in Africa/Kenya, now do in all even believe that, Development, and as said even coming to Africa (and in speak too of the Shipping Industry, and not that said Airline truly either), does in all and in the very least too, speak of Partnerships, and as simply said in all again, and to refer and to the Advantage that is.

The Blogger here though, is of the belief that, most in the World, and as said adept in talking Development, have no true interest, and in helping Develop Africa that is. That when most do think Development, and as now not said Agenda too, and in speak too of the World outside Africa in all, they do in all even think Re-Habilitation, or speak truly even, and of Assessment, Re-Assessment, Revisionism, Instrumental/Instruction, Cycles/Renewals etc., and as in telling most in Africa that, Development outside Africa, often does speak of the forementioned and in theme too perhaps, and not Development, and as said to speak of Agenda/Advantage that is [the very belief that, Africa in all, has never truly had any Knowledge creating Tradition/Industries in all, and that does speak of Knowledge, and as said truly Viable that is ][and in speak here too, and of one and as said a Technologist for instance].

The above is not exactly true, and as African Knowledge Systems and as unknown to most, have often prominently featured, and in the Secret/Hidden/Forbidden History of the World, and in speak now, and of the very failure and by many an African society, and in simply developing African Society in all that is.

In all, Society and in Kenya, can be said many a thing that is. For at its very best in all, and in speak too of the Entertainment Factor, many a side-joke for instance, and as said inspired in all, and in speak of Outlooks too, and by the following: Link. There is Society though, and in Kenya too, and that is simply said African in all, and that now does aspire to be Diplomatic in its ways/manners, and in speak too now, and of Kenya (and further speak too here, and of Ethiopia and Somalia as one), and as said offering the most diverse of Educational opportunities, and in just about every said Area of Study too that is.

In many a way, this very Blog, is said to speak too of Society, and that said Religious too, and as there does appear to be a said Segment in all, and of peoples/groups outside Africa, who are in all, simply said interested, and in many a thing African, and in speak too of Ideas, Originality and if not African Humour in itself that is [Humour, that said African, and not that said National/Country either]. In all, the very reason why this is said, is because, many in Africa, do in all even falsely believe the rest of the World, to be truly interested in 'Educated Africans' in all, and in speak too of many an idea-exchange in itself, and as having to do with speak of Development, Technology or even Politics too that is [that many outside Africa, are not often receptive to African Politics today, and as they once were, and in a Time in History, 'Africans', are simply said rather truly popular, and in speak even and of the term Byzantium that is].

In many a way though, and as with regards to the above, African Society, and as said International, now said to speak and of Africans and in Originality, but that this Blog in all, now does propose Society here, and as said to speak of the Circle that is [more to come on this though].

In all, what is been said here and in many a way too, is that, Society, is not the end and to all means that is. That while simply upraised and truly praised in all, and in faraway England, and in speak too of the evolution of England and in society too, and alongside speak even of many a Monarchy for instance, English, it is believed that, there does exist a higher existence and to Society, and in speak too of the name France for instance, and as said evolving in all, and in speak too of Private Media that is [that for instance, a Conventional Blog can be said associated with Society in all, but with speak of E-mail too, obviously referring and to Private Media that is].

The Circle.