Monday 29 December 2014



In speaking of Kenya, and as now said having a Western Identity, and not that said Modern or National truly either, what in all, can be said to speak of Purpose or Meaning in our lives, and as said in all even, and to refer and to speak of continuity, historical truth/validity, or even, mandate in all perhaps, and in speak now of a World, said ruled over, and not controlled truly either, and by Media, and which in all is believed to truly distort whom/who in all we are, and with our very selves that is [and in speak now and of the seeking out of safety and incessantly too for instance].

In all, and in speak too now again of Kenya and as said Western, and still very much functioning in its ways, speak now, and of Purpose, Meaning and if not life in itself, and as truly defined, and in speak of Guarantee in itself, and as said speaking of one truly embodying life, but Guarantee too, and in speak now of Purpose or Meaning, and as said truly encoded perhaps, and in speak of Friendships too that is.