Friday 26 December 2014




This Blog, does in all even attempt in all, and to speak of many a political issue/matter, and that does in all even speak of the Blogger here that is. First off, it does in all even attempt to speak of Kenia, and as versus speak of Kenya too that is. That it in all again, will attempt to take on, what does constitute for a Kenyan Media, and in speak too of Pretensions, and with this Blog in all, now even deciphered as highly Pretentious that is. That Kenya, and in speak of the 70's in all, was believed a place with lots of Potential, and until a Media Machine of a kind, and that does in all even hold in sway, so termed Swahili Civilization, does arise, and in helping ruin Kenya and for all time that is. That in all again, there are differing Interests, and in Kenya too, and as with regards to simply how to best develop the place, and in speak now of a Black population that claims the place to be its very own (Link), and as versus speak of a Religious population in all, and that does claim Kenya, or Kenia too, and as said best developed in all, and alongside speak of a Story that is [Link].

A Story too, said in all and to speak of the Bible in itself (Link), but one that does in all even acknowledge that, those said truly Kenyan, and in Pretensions too, are in all ways even believed, the most Humourous of us all that is. That Kenya, and if not Kenia truly, is simply believed Home and to Humour in itself, and that even said in Bad Taste too, for it does in all even speak of the History of Religious populations in Kenya, and in the Colonial Times too, and that did in all even envision Humour and Kenia, and as follows: Link. That these very works in all, and of Brian Jacques, do in all even truly speak of what the Kenian Story, or the Story of Kenya too, was simply believed to be all about, and in speak of its Nature too in all, but in speak of Humour and in Bad Taste, these very works by Brian Jacques, stolen from a vault in Kenya it is truly believed here, and now said published in England, and as falsely said English Humour that is [that one can simply know of this, and by realizing, it does in all even very much carry a Tone/Tonality, and that is Kenyan/Kenian, and not English either].

In all, this is simply what, this Blog will attempt to do, tell the Kenian Story, or the Story of Kenya, and from very much a Religious Setting too (Link1, Link2), and away from the diatribe and in crap, and that does pass for Conventional Kenyan Media today that is. In all, examples here, and of African Media Development (Link), and in speak too of Pretensions, and in reference to Hollywood that is [and speak too of those in Kenya, simply fazed out or annoyed truly, and in being associated, and with Conventional Kenyan Media, and that is simply said Crap][Link].