Saturday 15 August 2015

the Lake

the Lake Victoria.

How do those in Kenya, or Africa, perceive, or define, Regulation? For it is Regulation, and not Law either, and that is perceived said too, rather problematic in all, and in its defining, and in Kenya, or Africa too that is. In all, Regulation, said too, best perceived, and from Identity created, and as said to and to speak of the Subjective, and if not of the Objective too that is, and as furtherly said too, referring, and to the very manner in all, we do perceive ourselves, and as said even to speak of the Physical Setting that is [and in said speak here too, and of the Classroom Setting that is]. Hopefully, this is understood, and in now saying that, there are those who do view their physical selves, and as said too Head and Torso, while others do simply think of the Body in itself, and with a third too, said to think of it all, and as said a Mind, Human that is. That what is been said here is that, it is acknowledged by many, that many in Kenya, are said not to have a proper or perfect Picture, or Image too, and of their said Physical selves, and other than correlate it all, and to a said even Visual culture, African too, and that does in all even simply speak and of one, and as said too identifying, and with African Physical Imagery that is.

In all, what too is been said here, is that, Kenyan Identity, and as said too Social, is still very much said lacking that is, and in now too saying that, it is not believed, that Kenyans to this day, are in all said aware, and of what, Psycho-Somasis, and Socialization, are too said to be. That unknown to most out there, in Africa, Identity is said created or formed, and as first said Psycho-Somatic, and then said too, and to speak of Socialization that is. That in the rest of the World, we do now have Socialization, and as said primary in all, and with Psycho-Somasis, and as said too Identity, simply said added on that is.

In all, what is been said here is that, the Kenyan understanding in all, and of Psycho-Somasis, is simply said to speak of Misery, Sorrow and Sadness too, and as said truly defining one in all, and at the said even, Community, Communal level too that is.