Sunday 12 July 2015

Abstract Art

Abstract Art.

This entry, now does too, refer, and to other said posts on this Blog, and as said too having to do with Art: that of Antlers (Link), the Requiem (Link), and that on Religious Themes (Link) too. That it all, now does ground speak of life in itself, and with speak too of Dream, the Requiem (Mass), and if not in speak too of Theme that is.

That what is been said here is that, Africa, and in what does pass for an African Identity too, does have to it, many a said problem, and that can in the very least too be perceived, and from speak of the Behavioural that is. That what is been said here too is that, it too can be said that, that life outside Africa in all, is simply lived, or said defined too (organized), and in speak of Character that is. That once a person in all, or individual too, is simply said formed in Character, they are in all even now ready to live out life, and in manner in all, and that does speak too of Dignity in itself, and if not in speak too now of Destiny that is.

In all, what is been said here is that, survival in Africa in itself, is believed said grounded in all, or centered too, and in speak and of finding something it can be said, and that would in all even intrinsically define one, and in speak now and of Character too, and as said truly defined, and in speak of the Behavioural in itself that is. That in all, many a said endeavour, and in simply instilling Discipline in one it can be said, or providing even a said encompassing Education and to one, does not in all, still and in the very, get to the very heart of the matter that is, and which does say, African Identity, or survival in Africa, is simply said grounded in all, and in the Behavioural, and such that, everything around one, is simply said Perceived too, and from speak too of the Behavioural in itself, and as versus speak now and of Conscience or Intellect too that is.

In all, the said even role, and of Abstract Art, and in African lives, and as versus, speak now of 'Dream', the Requiem, or Theme too, and in now truly defining one, and in speak of the Behavioural truly, and as with it all even said to truly refer, and to what does truly pass for Perception in itself, and in regards, and to speak and of what too does pass for Stability in itself, and if not Acknowledgement too, and in Africa too that is.